24 December, 2012

Winter Times

    Winter is finally officially upon us, and Christmas eve is tomorrow. I can't believe how fast December came and went! I also really expected it to have snowed here at least once... especially since we live in the Pacific NorthWest... but nothing so far, just a lot of rain, and a little hail. Last year, we were living in Southern Utah, not far from Las Vegas... and it snowed in October!

      Thankfully, Thomas has the day off on Christmas. I don't know what we expect to do but I imagine lots of photos to ensue from it! Even if we just have a wintery walk/picnic in the park. I finally have lovely scarves and just bought some sweet gloves and also those mittens that can be turned into fingerless gloves, which I love. (shown below, along with my home-made iced coffe and chocolate.

I have arthritis and my body does not like the cold. I love stormy weather though, and I really despise the heat more than the cold for some reason. Probably since I grew up in the desert! I mean, my town is called DESERT HOT Springs. The name does not lie.

ANYWAYS.... In the spirit of Christmas, I thought I would share some things. First, some things I want for Christmas which I'll probably get cause I want them.

 This is probably the thing I want most. Silly, I know... but I needs it. Not sure where I'm getting it from, though.

Haunted Mansion Stretch Painting Ipod case

Those are pretty much the things I was most. And now, music sharing time! Christmas style!

 The Winter song by Eisley

"Chimney smoke billowing
Snowflakes on my lashes
Oh one starry night
 I was walking and singing this song..."

Walking in the Air- Chauntelle Dupree

"I´m holding very tight
I’m riding in the midnight blue
I’m finding I can fly so high above with you

Somewhere in my Memory - John Williams

"Candles in the window,
shadows painting the ceiling,
gazing at the fire glow,
feeling that gingerbread feeling"

My HTML skills are severely lacking.
I wish I could think of more but I cannot. I'm going to be working on a personal blog soon so watch out for that. But that's it for now! Merry Christmas!


  1. What a lovely wish list if you get that spirit hood we can be twinzies!! and I wish I could visit you in that snowy weatherrrr <3

    1. Thank you miss! I wish so much I could get a real spirit hood but hopefully I can find something similar and affordable!
      It hasn't snowed here yet but it probably will in a month or two... you are welcome to visit anytime!
