24 March, 2013


I decided to abandon "New Talent Tuesday" with "New Song Sunday" for various reasons. I decided I need to keep up with this blog more so this should help! I want to post unique music you might not have heard before but NEED to hear.

So this first song I want to share is lovely to me because I might have named my cat, Alice after it :)

If you don't know me well, then you should know that I adore this kitten so much! We've had her for over three years now and she has traveled through a lot of states with us! (California, Arizona, Nevada Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington!) She can be sassy at times but most of the time she is very sweet and makes me feel better everyday.

"Alice" by Cocteau Twins

The lyrics don't really make sense and are hard to understand anyway... but when I first heard those magical piano keys in the beginning I was instantly hooked. I learned most of the beginning when I was in Southern Utah, but after we moved I haven't had contact with a piano since.

So anyway, that's about it for now. I need to work on my blog layout and start painting!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! That really means a lot to me :)

    2. I forgot to add, check out "Alice's Song" by The Passions, you might like it :)

    3. I definitely will! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Great song, your cat is so cute! I'd love to see some of your painting :) xx

    1. Thank you so much! She is very dainty and sweet :). I'll post a bunch of my art very soon!

  3. I love hearing songs from new artists that I don't know about!! I'll listen when I get home! I really need speakers at my job!! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  4. I love discovering new bands! I am a super supporter of indie music because they typically have more meaning than mainstream music


    1. I totally agree!! Indie music is so much more personal and deep than "artists" like Ke$ha.

  5. I love this song, and you, and your blog is so cute <3

    1. Aww... thank you so much!!! :) ... you're the cute one!

  6. the cat is soooo cute! and i guess you love vintage too? I'm so glad i stumbled upon your blog! :))

    Rae \(^o^)/
    Raellarina - The Ballerina on Fire

    1. Awww thanks! I definitely LOVE vintage things! We should friends!
