01 April, 2013

Arrival of the Birds

Our Easter was mildly eventful. We finished filming one of Thomas' videos and then we went to the park for photos. I haven't had a photoshoot (unpaid & with Thomas) in almost a year! And I had recently purchased a very spring-y dress so I though I would do an outfit of the day! Plus there was this marvelous white Japanese pear tree that just drew me into it.

Dress by MissChevious
Hairbow from Ross
Belt is a ribbon I tied around my waist
Socks from Target
Shoes were thrifted

And now some photo spam, and a song to go with it, since I missed New Song Sunday.
It's called Arrival of the Birds by The Cinematic Orchestra, it's absolutely gorgeous and BIG, but in such a lovely way. I even gave thought to walk down the aisle to it! It's just amazing, especially the first half. Oh, and it was also featured in an Armani commercial and I love his fragrances!

Arrival of the Birds by the Cinematic Orchestra

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!


  1. You look amazing, as does the Japanese tree! Wow! Love your outfit, you look very sweet :) xx

    1. Aw, thank you so much Hannah, that's very sweet of you to say! :)

  2. What a beautiful dress!! I have a lace dress in mint that I just can't wear once it's just a lil more spring! I love your ring too! =) Best wishes on Thomas's video!

    Ergo - Blog

    1. Thank you! I have been searching for a mint lace dress for a while, I heard some Ross' carry a really lovely one, but my Ross keeps selling out of it.
      I actually found that ring and I just love it, though sometimes it gets caught on things!
      I'll be posting the result of Thomas' video(s) soon!

  3. these photos are gorgeous... not to mention your outfit. :)

  4. Love the colours of your outfit!

